Selling your cards on your own can be a significant undertaking, from taking photos, creating listings to handling shipping and returns. Instead, take a breather and let us manage the entire process, while your cards are showcased in our eBay store, attracting potential buyers.
DOWNLOAD SUBMISSION FORMVIEW EBAY STOREPrepare your shipment and either fill out our submission form or put your name and email in the box on a piece of paper.
Once we receive your card(s), we'll handle everything from there. This includes creating top-quality scans or photos and crafting listings to showcase your card(s) on eBay.
We'll keep you informed through email with updates on the status of your card(s), including when they are received, scheduled, listed, and ultimately sold.
When the auctions are all done and paid we send you money based on our rate table.
Our fees cover ALL expenses associated with selling on eBay (final value fee, listing fee, scheduling fee, GSP fee, store fee,
shipping supplies, insurance, returns.)
Payments for items on eBay are generally sent within 2-3 days of auctions being paid for.
Have any questions? Contact us!
© Kirsch's Cards, 2023. All rights reserved.
© Kirsch's Cards, 2023. All rights reserved.